Saturday, December 10, 2016

Episode 6: "Check Points"

Name: Metze P. Delos Reyes
Course: BSE (General Science)                                              Year and Section: IV/H7

Resource teacher: Jeremias M. Omelig Jr.                                                  
School: Iligan City East National High School

Your Target

          At the end of this activity, you should be able to give some principles involved in designing a curriculum.

Your Map

Visits a school and choose a class to be observed. Then arrange with the teacher that you are going to conduct a class observation.

Take note of the different learning environment provided in the lesson plan for specific subject area. Generate information on the following: objectives, strategies, and assessment tools used.

Find out whether or not strategies are aligned with the objectives and assessment of learning. Make a matrix of information from the observations made.

Find out whether or not strategies are aligned with the objectives and assessment of learning. Make a matrix of information from the observations made.

                                                                 My Observation Report

Name: Metze P. Delos Reyes
School: Iligan City East High School
Year level: Grade-9
Subject observed: Science

Teacher’ Objectives: to understand and determine the relationship among heat, work, and efficiency

Describe the Strategies: the teaching strategy used was discovery method and it was accompanied by different resources like presentation and graphic representation. It allows students to jot down notes the important facts or ideas related to the concept. It meets the interests and needs of the learners and it was effective to achieve the teachers objectives.

Describe the assessment tools used: The assessment method used by the teacher was a formative test and it was administered after the discussion. The intent was to know whether the students understood well the lesson or to measure the retention of the students.

(write down the teacher’s learning objectives)

(describe the strategies used by the teacher)
(describe the assessment method/s & tool/s used)
(write your personal judgment on the objectives, strategies, and assessment

Define what is heat

Define what is work

Define what is work

Determine the relationship among heat, work and efficiency

Inquiry method was used as teaching strategy. It was appropriate for the lesson and was effective in improving students learning regarding with the topic.

The assessment method used was a short quiz. The intent was to measure the learning of the students and to improve the critical thinking of the learners.

The formulated objectives by the teacher were observable to the behavior of the learners. The teaching strategy that was used was effective and applicable to the objectives. And also the assessment method that was used was appropriate because it suits to the teachers objectives.

  • Why do teachers need to align the objectives, strategies, and assessment?
          -When objectives, strategies and assessment are properly aligned it means that the teacher does the right thing in educating the students. In learning objectives it is where the teacher will think of what he/she wants their students to know and in strategies it is the reinforcement of learning objectives and prepares students for assessment. While assessment it is where the different kind of tasks will be given and assess if the students have achieved the learning objective. Therefore they need to be closely aligned so that they reinforce one another.

  • How should teachers align their objectives, strategies, and assessment?
          -Since objectives are the basis of instruction so the teacher must prepare objectives that are capable of doing by the students and then provide teaching strategies that are catchy to the eyes of the learners in order for them to focus on the discussion and will actively participate in every task given. Lastly, assessment should be clear and aligned to the objectives. When assessment is aligned with learning objectives it increases the probability that the teacher will provide students with the opportunities to learn and practice the knowledge that will be required on the various assessment.

Your Reflections
  • What has been your most meaningful experience in this episode? What makes it meaningful to you? How could such an experience help you become a better teacher?

          My most meaningful experience is that I was able to observe the different types of students and I can see the pressure or the stress that the teacher might felt when dealing with the students. And also in this episode I was able to learn the principle and theories of curriculum development which is planning, implementation and evaluation that helps us understand the process on how to have better learning outcomes. Such experiences made me realized that being a teacher is not an easy task to do because you will be handling different characteristics of the students. As a teacher you must be that someone who is patient and open-minded to the things that you might encounter.  In my observation, I learned that to become an effective teacher you must first know your students what are their interest or needs and think of different strategies or methods when teaching a lesson and motivation also must considered in order for the students to actively participate in the class and to be able to create a productive classroom. Being a teacher is not just to impart learning to the students but being a teacher means being second parents so teachers must be passionate to their position and act as a model. Lastly, the teachers must teach the students the good moral and right conduct in order for them to become a good citizen and teach on how to apply their learning in the school into a real world situation.

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